



Games' Titles
1) 百人一首
2) 言葉たたきゲーム
3) 絵描き/ジェスチャー・ゲーム
4)つんでつんで ジャパニーズ
5) 漢字で脳トレ(brain training)
Nihongo de Asobou 2007 ― 日本語で遊ぼう2007
17th November 2007, 2pm ~ 6pm   
Japanese Association, Singapore, 2/F Ballrooms

This “日本語で遊ぼう2007” was successfully held at the above Date and Time and Venue. The event is meant for students, who study beginners’ to intermediate levels of Japanese language, to enjoy games involving application of Japanese language and learning of Japanese culture. The event also allows participants from secondary schools to working adults to interact with one another over the challenge of the games.

This is the 7th time that the event was organized by JUGAS (Japanese University Graduates Association of Singapore).

This year, we had the teachers from Singapore Japanese Schools (貴志先生, 石山先生, 田中先生, 真田先生, 平野先生, 林先生, 菅原先生 & 吉田先生) and the teachers from MOELC (See-Tow 先生, Pauline Lue 先生 & Nicole Lim 先生) to design and run the games for the 4-hour event.

There were 62 persons registered and 53 turned out for the event. The participants included students from MOELC, Nanyang Polytechnic, and 2 Primary Schools’ students.

The participants were divided into 8 teams, to compete with one another in the 4 games, 百人一首, 言葉たたきゲーム, 絵描き/ジェスチャー・ゲーム, つんでつんで ジャパニーズ. The 5th Game was 漢字で脳トレ, which trained the brains of the students in Kanji learning. Prizes were awarded to the top scoring team of each game. Participants were also introduced to Origami in the beginning of the event, learning to fold complicated shapes of objects with Japanese coloured Origami Paper. The Origami-Sumo folded by the students were put into Sumo Wrestling game duration the break time, and created a lot of excitement!

The response from the participants was very positive and encouraging. This shows that the students learning Japanese language are eager to practice what they have learnt in a fun-filled game-playing environment.

Organized by: JUGAS (Japanese University Graduates Association of Singapore)

Supported by: Embassy of Japan in Singapore

Japanese Association, Singapore

The Japanese School, Singapore

MOELC (Ministry of Education Language Centre, Singapore)

JALTAS (Japanese Language Teachers’ Association in Singapore)

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